Morning Music at the Old Museum – Presented by QYO

June 8, 2016 @ 10:30 am
Concert Hall, Old Museum
Old Museum Building
Bowen Hills QLD 4006

Morning Music at the Old Museum will feature programs of delightful pieces full of tuneful variety, specially chosen for mid-week, morning listening in the Concert Hall of Brisbane’s historic Old Museum, Bowen Hills. Enjoy an hour or so of music played and sung for you by the latest generation of brilliant young Queensland musicians in the ambience of a wonderful heritage building brought back to life as it should be.


Concert 2: 10.30 a.m. Wednesday 8 June

Violist Ellie Harrison will perform Robert Schumann’s Marchinbider
French Horn player William Tanner will perform Richard Strauss’s Horn Concerto No. 1
Violinsit Tom Reithmuller and Pianist Julian Wade will perform Debussy’s Sonata for Violin and Piano
Trombonist Zhao Ming Liu will perform Rimsky-Korsakov’s Concerto for Trombone

Click Here for more Information

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