Maleny Celtic Winter School

July 3, 2015 – July 5, 2015 all-day
Maleny Neighbourhood Centre
Bicentenary Lane
Maleny QLD 4552

Maleny Celtic Winter School is a weekend of celtic music workshops set in the beautiful Sunshine Coast hinterland town of Maleny. The focus is on workshops and skill-building, and previous years programmes have also included concerts, ceilis, trad’ discos and plenty of traditional-style sessions. The school is based in the town with all venues within walking distance.

Celtic music is known for its inclusive nature. The traditional session, where musicians sit together and share their music with one another (and their audience) is something that happens all around the world. One of the most important aspects of the Maleny Celtic Winter School is the sessions. As well as an opportunity to see experienced, high-quality trad musicians playing together, there will also be plenty of opportunities for beginners and intermediate players to work with these people in a setting that encourages the learning of tunes, by ear and at an achievable pace.

The School will be centered around the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre, Bicentenary Lane, Maleny where you can also register on the day.

Click Here for more Information

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